TARGET DESIGNATOR CONTROL Cursor controller/Momentary switch. Moving the controller left and right adjusts the radar sweep asimuth left and right respectively. Moving the controller up and down increases and decreases the radar range. Pushing the controller button IN locks the radar to the target that the TDC is highlighting. IFF INTERROGATE & AIM-9 MANUAL BORESIGHT Momentary switch Pressing this button IN will initiate the currently selected IFF MODE and if selected, will "boresight" the currently selected AIM 9 SRM. MICROPHONE SWITCH Momentary switch. In the CENTER position, the both UHF radios are in the receive mode. Moving the switch AFT selects the transmit mode on the 2nd UHF radio. Moving the switch FOREWARD selects the transmit mode on the 1st UHF radio. SPEED BRAKE SWITCH Non-Momentary switch. In the CENTER position, the speed brake is held in it's current position. Moving the switch AFT extends the speed brake. Moving the switch FOREWARD retracts the speed brake. EWWS INTERROGATE SWITCH Momentary. Push in to interrogate the currently selected target with the Electronic Warfare Weapons System. WEAPONS SWITCH Non-Momentary switch. In the CENTER position, Short Range Missiles (SRM) are selected. In the AFT position, A/A combat mode and the M61A1 gun is selected. In the FOREWARD position, Medium Range Missiles (MRM) are selected. Back to Left Grip Rebuild