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Project News
December 27th, 2007 |
Sorry for the lag in updating with the pictures of the new fuel panel. Holidays and all that. :) I hope you all had a nice holiday! The fuel panel is now complete with the exception of some clean-up paint work on the PCB and a nick or two on the edge-lit panel.
In order of assembly:
The panel mounting plate. The panel is made from .062" 6061 Aluminum and as previously mentioned, was cut out on my Shop Bot.
The printed circuit board for the lamps. This is a single-sided copper clad board that is .0313" thick. The copper layer is
somewhere in the neighborhood of .005". The PCB was cut out and routed on the Shop Bot. I used a two-flute .0625" end mill to
cut the board out as well as engrave the circuit path and border areas. The 'bot has fine enough control that I'm able to just
take away the copper layer without going into the epoxy glass board underneath.
The edge-lit panel. As mentioned earlier, this panel was cut out by laser and all the pocketing in the back was done by 'bot.
Each lamp pocket has a small bit of aluminum foil at the bottom. This serves to prevent any light "hot spots" and it also
helps prevent damage caused by the heat given off by the lamp.
This is the panel assembled and powered up.
The picture was extremely difficult to take so there is a bit of blurring going on. I picked two of the best out of the series
that show the illumination. The light looks brighter in the "lowlight" picture, but that is strictly an artifact from the camera.
The light level coming from the panel never changed between photos.
The next panel up will be the Electronic Warfare panel. This one is really small and simple, with only three switches present. |
December 16th, 2007 |
Here's the first production panel off the 'bot! ![]()
The laser & ShopBot differ just a little bit and it resulted in the holes that the laser cut being just a
little bit off. Fortunately, the error isn't enough to prevent the pocketing on the back to interfere
with the switch mounting hardware. As of right now, both the edge-lit panel and the back plate are painted and ready to go. I wanted to give the panel a full 24 hours to dry so I won't be lettering it until tomorrow or the next night. I'll be sure to post pictures of the panel when it's done! |
October 7th, 2007 |
The first panel prototype rolled out of the laser last night and it looks GREAT!
This was produced to test out the processes I had created in order to build the new panels I needed At the end of all this work will be a Type 5 panel. A Type 5 panel is basically an internally illuminated plastic panel that has a printed circuit board installed that holds all the lamp assemblies and the power connector for the lamp. I'll be posting pictures of the entire assembly when I've got it completed. I'm going back to the shop now, bye! *laughs* |
October 1st, 2007 |
Work is continuing and in preparation for doing the design work on the side console wiring harnesses
I am creating the missing panels. Out of all the panels in the side consoles, I'm only missing 5 original
parts. Here is a picture of the first new panel, Fuel Control:
The parts in the picture have been cut out on a laser and are made of heavy card stock. By cutting out the panel
designs in paper first, I can avoid costly errors in plastic and metal.
The copy of MS25212 that I have is pretty hard to read, so when I get a chance I'll create a new version in AutoCAD
and post it for you folks to use in your projects if you need it.
August 27th, 2007 |
The frame is done and the F-15 is now sitting on it!![]() As you can see, the cockpit is supported a lot better now than it ever has been. The new frame weighs roughly 500lbs and is made of steel box-beam material and industrial strength wheels. Click here for more pictures of the new cradle. |
July 4th, 2007 |
Well amazingly enough, this update is about the F-15! My neighbor Mike stopped by with his fork lift and we lifted the cockpit up so we could see what needed to be done to build the new all-steel support frame for it. ![]() As high as the cockpit was lifted, it seemed very close to the original height it would have been at when sitting on the gear. *wistful sigh* ![]() ![]() Here's a more detailed shot of the nosegear bay: ![]() When I first got the cockpit, one of the things I did was attempt to remove the nosegear door that was still attached. Unfortunately, I could never break the sealant that had been used on the hinge line. When we moved the cockpit to the new house, the bottom rested on the transport cradle in such a way that the force broke the sealant loose and the door came free. I haven't been able to remove it until today. Here's a couple of pics: ![]() ![]() As soon as the cockpit is set on the new steel frame, work will begin in earnest! Thanks for continuing to follow the project! |
June 11th, 2007 |
The work inside the shop is finally completed, with the exception of
some Ethernet runs. Yay! Here's what the new work area looks like right now: It's a mess right now, but I'm still in the process of getting things organized. One of the things that I really missed in the old shop was storage space. I may have gone a little overboard in compensating for that prior lack of space. :) I built a pair of cabinets that are 8 feet high, 4 feet wide and 18 inches deep. Joined together they make a 9 foot long dividing wall between the ShopBot and the bench area.
The cabinet doors are 5 inches deep. One side will have shelving
that will hold small tools or parts and the other door has a sheet of
"peg" board that will allow me to hang tools and such on metal hangars
designed for that purpose. The first 10 "cores" for instrument rebuilding are on the way. I've chosen Beta Innovations AC360 2" gauges to build the new engine instruments, the VVI, backup ASI, AOA indicator and the Cabin Pressure indicator. These gauges are based on air-core motors and are perfect for this kind of work. I still haven't solved the issue with the odometer displays on the RPM, TIT and Fuel Flow indicators, but I'm sure I'll come up with something soon. If I can't find suitable 7 segment or matrix displays, I'll try salvaging some other instruments I have for their mechanical movements. |
December 10th, 2006 |
I know I've been remiss in updating the web site this year, so I'm
producing one huge update. It's 1 AM and I'm trashed, so I'm going to
make this a multi-page update. Keep checking for more updates soon!
Massive Update Page #1 Update is complete, thanks for reading! |
March 26th, 2006 |
Holy crap! It's been a long time since I made an update, so I'd better
start off with a good one, eh? Last month a heard from a nice gent named Steve about my F-15C. Seems that he had an interesting bit of history for me that no one else had told me about. It turns out that my jet has a name, and boy did it ever earn it. Here's his story:
I flew RF-4C's at Zweibrucken during that time, but a friend of mine had
just transferred to F-15s and told me the pre-accident story. Later on,
USAFE safety and McDonnell Douglas came around and briefed the accident
with a different video and stories.
First I'll tell you the story of how it was that aircraft 007 was chosen
to perform at the airshow at Soesterberg (pronounced Soo-sterberg) AB
in the Netherlands. Your aircraft was almost brand new to Bitburg AB.
It had arrived from the McDonnell-Douglas factory in St. Louis and had
minimal hours on the airframe (about 10) when one of the pilots took it
on a cross-country mission to Scandinavia.
(I'm not sure of your background, so I'll take a minute to explain
cross-country: A cross-country is where they give you an aircraft for
the weekend and allow you to fly it wherever you want in order to get
training and flying hours for the wing. Generally you are committed to
six sorties - two each Friday and Monday and normally two on Saturday or
Sunday, giving you one day off in a country. In Europe, cross-country's
were critical to maintaining wing flying hours because of the typical
lousy weather over there.)
Anyway, it was summer and the squadron was going to have a big party, so
on Sunday the pilot bought a whole bunch of Norwegian shrimp, which was
packed in its own frozen brine and ice. He stored the boxes of shrimp
in the large area behind the ejection seat Sunday evening. Well, given
the temperatures and the two additional sorties he flew on Monday, there
was naturally some melting and leaking from the boxes behind the seat.
When he landed at Bitburg the pilot spot cleaned the area behind the
seat, but unbeknownst to him the now-liquid brine had made it's way into
lots of areas of the aircraft. Also, little did anyone know the
corrosive effect brine had on aircraft aluminum. After about a week of
flying a crew chief noted lots of rust behind the pilot seat(*). A
closer inspection revealed sheet metal damage, and some corrosion on
wiring and tubing. It was determined that the damage was so extensive
that the regular Wing Level sheet-metal repair shop and maintenance
could not handle the job, so the aircraft had to be sent to F-15 PDM
(Programmed Depot Maintenance).
(*) When the initial rust was discovered and the story of how this
happened came out, and even though the maintenance folks didn't find it
amusing, pilots being who they are could not help but see the humor in
the story and so the aircraft was given a name: "Shrimp Boat". Just so
you know, very few AF aircraft are/were named anymore...so it had to be
something special to actually have an aircraft name all the pilots would
recognize. Most times when you called maintenance after a flight you
just called in the tail number....but 007 was now Shrimp Boat.
As an aside (maybe this is why I remember Shrimp Boat) my squadron had
an aircraft (364) that departed the runway on landing and from then on
was known forever as "Mud Slide". It was the only "named" aircraft in
our squadron. About a year later the aircraft departed the runway again
and the Chief of Maintenance claimed it wasn't a maintenance problem,
but rather pilot sub-conscious because everybody called the aircraft Mud
Anyway, after about a month, the refurbished and newly repainted
aircraft returned to Bitburg. The Soesterberg Air Show was coming up.
(Note: Even though Soesterberg was also an F-15 base, the USAFE F-15
Demo pilot was stationed at Bitburg, so that's why a Bitburg F-15 was
performing at Soesterberg). When they choose an aircraft for an
airshow, they try to find the nicest looking aircraft, because in
addition to flying, it is also used as a static display. Well, aircraft
007, aka Shrimp Boat, having just returned from Depot, had a brand new
paint job and it was determined that the Bitburg F-15 Demo Pilot would
fly Shrimp Boat at the Soesterberg Air Show.
THAT, is how your cockpit got to the Soesterberg Air Show....
Note, I agree that the aircraft had 9.5 hours on it when it was accepted
at Bitburg, but not at the time of the crash: this aircraft had flown
from the factory ~ 10 hours, a cross-country ~ 8 hours, a week of
flying, and to/from PDM ~18 hours, and about a week before the airshow,
so it had less than 50 hours total on it when it went to its final
flight at Soesterberg.
Much shorter: The Accident: The following stuff came from the
debriefings after the accident.
There is another, better amateur video out there. Whether or not the AF
confiscated it or not or whether you might find a copy on the internet
is a good question. But the other video shows the entire turn to final,
the crash and slide, the (slightly) humorous post-crash incident, and
the aftermath.
The F-15 has computers to assist the pilot. As he makes the final turn
the folks from safety pointed out the aircraft computers realized there
was a problem and you can watch the stabilator and rudders fighting the
pilot all the way to the ground. As noted in the accident report, after
he slid 1500 feet on the ground the pilot ground egressed safely...but
what you can see quite plainly on the video is that after he runs about
100 yards away from the aircraft, he turns back, looks at the wreck,
removes his helmet and throws it to the ground with his right hand (it's
a lot funnier to watch than to read).
Finally, the folks from McDonnell-Douglas and Pratt & Whitney were quite
proud of the F-15s performance during and post accident. In addition to
the video showing the computers trying to recover from the pilot's
maneuvers, the video showed something else. Look closely at Mr.
Steehouwer's pictures and you'll see what I mean: After the aircraft
slid 1500 feet across the infield you'll notice all the smoke and dust
blowing in the air. That is because after the crash, going across
grass, dirt and rocks and sucking in all of those, the right engine is
still running. The engine continued to run well after the pilot had
egressed and it ran until the fire department was able to get enough
water into it to shut it down.
Pretty damn cool eh? Shrimp Boat. Makes me think of an F-15 with a pair of net cranes instead of wings. :) Interestingly enough, shortly after Steve sent me that cool story, I got an email from Mario, the webmaster of the Slobberin' Wolfhounds Squadron website. It turns out that he's got a couple of photographs that were taken by an RNLAF Fire Brigade member by the name of Ruud Vrakking. Mario was kind enough to give me permission to use these:
You'll notice that the fireman in the lower picture is drowning the right engine just as Steve mentioned in his story. That is pretty damn cool. I'd really like to get my hands on that video footage that Steve mentions above. If you know where it's hiding, PLEASE let me know! We've recently moved and I'm waiting for the shop at the new house to be built before I can resume work on the F-15. The wait is going to drive me out of my mind. At the rate things are progressing, I won't have a shop until June or later. :( The good news is that the new shop is a lot bigger than the old one. I'll be going from a 42x24 building to a 60x36 with a 14' high cieling. This means that I'll be able to use the canopy I'm going to get soon. Until next time! |
October 12th, 2004 |
Minor update. Moved one of the banners to the bottom of the news page. The @f15sim.com email is fixed. I'd accidentally trashed the mx record. *d'oh* |
September 12th, 2004 |
As promised, I've got more goodies from the Eagle Talk digests online. The new sections cover the hydraulic system,
the hydro-mechanical control system and
the directional control system. There are 5 more parts to the series and I'll get
them online soon!
You'll also note a big rework of the Project News page. I hadn't realized how large the page was so I decided to cut it down a bit and move prior year updates to their own page. You can find them here or follow the link at the bottom of this page. |
August 7th 2004 |
I got a nice package from the Washington State Dept. of Transportation today.
![]() I'm having difficulty deciding between, "W00t!", "This is cool." or "This rawks!" *ahem* ...now if I only had the time to work on the silly thing. *wistful sigh* |
July 31st, 2004 |
Here's a couple of pictures that show the new HUD control panel lightplate
that Peter Cos of Flightdeck Solutions made for me.
![]() The old lightplate is shown on the left. Pretty sad looking, isn't it? ![]() Here's a better shot of the HUD. The HUD camera has been installed for this picture. If I can get it to work, I'll leave it there. Otherwise, it'll get removed. The UHF radio control head that was on the HUD when I got it is in pretty rough shape. Fortunately, I've got a replacement for it that is in MUCH better condition, although the Channel selector control shaft has been broken on this one as well. Another new goodie that I haven't mentioned yet is the brand new Fuel Quantity indicator I got. It was built by Malwin Electronics for specific use in a flight simulator. The indicator can be driven by the R&R Electronics Gauge and Meter module. In fact, Matt Wietlispach's flight simulator uses this same instrument. His website is here. Here's a picture of the new indicator: ![]() I'd like to thank Matt for his help, advice and generosity. Without him, this project would be much farther behind than it is today. Thanks Matt! |
July 20th, 2004 |
A gentleman from The Netherlands contacted me a short time ago with an amazing thing! He said he had footage of my F-15C during it's last flight and subsequent accident! Many thanks to Michael Pols for supplying this fantastic footage to me! This first link is of the last moments of the flight demonstration, followed by the crash demonstration. :) Baby's Last Steps The second link is a short walk-around done by the local Dutch TV crew: Wreck walk-around Thanks to Roy Coates for hosting the movie files for me. |
June 11th, 2004 |
In the Operation section, there is a new document titled The F15 Flight Control System that you might want to check out. It's the first of the Product Support Digest articles that I'm reprinting from the Eagle Talk Digests that I have. It gives a very clear overview of how the flight control system in the F-15 works. |
May 11th, 2004 |
Added a banner for a neat new F-15E research website that's based in Hungary. Great stuff there! |
January 1st, 2004 |
Happy New Year everyone!
I've got some good updates today. The first covers the new Instructor
Console that is under construction. You can check it out here.
Next up are details on the AC power system that the simulator uses! This has
been in the works for quite a while, but I only recently got the time to write
it up for you. You can head over to the Tech section or click here.
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Prior year updates can be found Here.