
I posted a short video yesterday that covers the new ACES II decals that I bought from Invictus Cockpit Systems (https://invictuscockpits.com/). I also covered a bit about how the VPForce FFB system is going to connect to the existing flight controls, as well as the apparent broken-ness of the inertia reel assembly in the ejection seat.


  1. TJ on 08.12.2024

    Hello, Glad to see some activity back on this site. Kudos to all the work you are putting into it. I didnt see a contact email anywhere, so hoping you read this comment.

    I was wondering does the cockpit you have have the JFS starter handle. I am trying to make a engine control panel myself. I have the buttons and light working with the aid of BMSAIT, but I would like to add the JFS handle to make the experience a little more realistic.

    Do you have any close up images of the handle you could share? I am looking for something close up so I can see the profile and shape. Thank you.


  2. admin on 08.15.2024

    I don’t have any *yet*. 🙂 I printed your comment out and put it in my todo pile. I’ll get to it as soon as I can.

  3. Anthony l on 08.24.2024

    Hi!!! This is going to be a long shot and I tried to find an email and couldn’t find one . But for you collimated display project . How did that work out for you. Currently building a 737 simulator to use for a charity and we are looking to do this but no clue where to really start. It’s all for charity so we can spend to much but we can sure try.

  4. admin on 08.25.2024

  5. admin on 08.26.2024

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