After a very, very long delay, the SFS box is finally finished. There’s literally nothing left that needs to be done for it. 🙂
From last weekend’s work, here’s the last two stages of wiring.
First, lace it up!
Then it gets cleaned up and attached to the interior of the SFS box.
I use a LOT of waxed lacing cord. It makes for a very nice looking wiring harness and doesn’t snag on everything like a nylon wire tie will.
The next three photos show the completed SFS box with the grip attached.
And finally, here’s what it looks like installed in the cockpit!
I really, really need to dust. 🙂
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avtech on 11.18.2023
Hey! I’m not sure if I sent you the pinout for F-15E grip at some point? I was wondering if you still have it? Can’t find my pinout notes anywhere. Building a small F-15E pit for DCS: F-15E and I seem to have misplaced a lot of my paper documentation (yes…paper…I’m old) when I moved to a new house.